2024 CCDVC Break the Silence Awareness Event
October 4, 2024 @ 6:00PM — 9:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Camden Adventure Aquarium: 1 Riverside Dr. Camden, NJ 08103 Get Directions

Camden County Domestic Violence Center presents 2024 Break the Silence for Domestic Violence Awareness
Join our 2024 domestic violence awareness theme, "We are One Voice". You can help the Camden County community take steps to ending domestic violence by joining us on October 4th for our annual awareness event. Tickets are a reasonable price Your ticket purchase includes drink ticket, food, networking, advocacy, a premium experience, raffling gambling games, and more... Click Here to Purchase Your Ticket: https://njaconline.networkforgood.com/events/2024breakthesilence All proceeds support our domestic violence services/programs in Camden County* Thank you for your support and we look forward to a great time for a great cause. #breakthesilence2024 #enddomesticviolence #camdencountynj #camdennj #cherryhillnj #glucestertownship #winslowtownship #pennsaukennj #voorheesnj #lindenwoldnj #haddonnj #collingswoodnj #clementonnj #berlinnj #domesticviolenceawareness #communityresource #nonprofit #newjersey #njac_helps
This awareness event will be the "BREAK THE SILENCE" of 2024!!!
We come together to be the voice of ending domestic violence on October 4th.
This year's theme "We are One Voice". We focus our energy on ending domestic violence together as one unit. As we break the silence for others, we understand how important our voice is as a unit.
At the Camden County Domestic Violence Center, free services and support are available for all ages. As our communities continue to need support and safe spaces from domestic violence, we want to be the place that Camden can count on. To put an end to domestic violence, we need your voice to join our voice on October 4th to take the steps of awareness, resources, and care.
All ticket proceeds for this event includes food, drink ticket, fun gambling games, music and much more.
Proceeds will go to all free services and resources for the Camden County Domestic Violence Center and our Safe Shelter.
Thank You for your support. This is the step to end domestic violence.